纽颂网(New Soul)

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发布者: newsoul | 发布时间: 2019-8-14 09:11| 评论数: 0|帖子模式

: [9 g7 V2 d8 [( ]. ~* `1 `5 k! @The official website of the US government recently listed hundreds of suggestions for the use of English vocabulary, suggesting that people use simple words and phrases to describe them. Content is as follows:

1 g# D0 U* G0 @8 I$ q- h- `
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When you’re making word choices, pick the familiar or commonly used word over the unusual or obscure. There are many lists of complex words and suggested substitutes, like the one below.
5 X4 d& @7 z% q1 M! O  f, }3 q1 R



5 {' U, r: t+ G- }, y! n- l6 X2 L

4 a" L2 ?; U7 }& R' W英文广播中文翻译如下:: U2 N% h: A( f4 u8 \- m: [
$ g0 H' }$ Z7 v8 k+ ~8 [# |( ~: K. O: L

  I. D) K. U  g: D5 U1 y; G

0 ~6 `1 |7 `3 Z! A2 u( \

# \% U$ y) \* U! d& y! |


/ h% \- _* l: n- q! Y

1 s' F0 T: @; l! Y3 S

0 x1 Z, c/ ^& c1 V2 YFrom:new soul


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