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发布者: bbb | 发布时间: 2018-11-10 23:27| 评论数: 1|帖子模式

3 U( d" p; q0 m1 ~- X
Alyssa Chia, the goddess of frozen age, is here. Do you remember her?

/ R; x% z$ q, k) }8 y% x2 T曾经让张无忌日夜思恋的冻龄女神赵敏来了,大家还记得她吗?! k5 I" i+ z- J6 c" e7 e+ A# X

2 _0 U7 h' W% y/ ^* x+ ^

9 E9 Z' Z8 k' N8 c! n- H3 N

赵敏 扮演者:贾静雯

赵敏 扮演者:贾静雯

: V( s- y0 K/ v) C) N7 J0 ^8 RStaying youthful is every woman's dream, but this mother-of-three seems to have achieved it effortlessly.; t+ z4 ?& H  p. I
永葆青春几乎是每个女性的梦想,而这三孩子的母亲似乎不费吹灰之力就实现了这个梦想。* i8 |  b. ?- T( w# ]3 ?- {! \" c
/ U4 J4 `: R  O) ], s8 m- g2 y

% C  L" N/ @8 Y& W, ?Alyssa Chia (贾静雯), who became an actress in 1990, has stunned millions of people in the Far East for her glowing skin and wrinkle-free face.7 O4 t4 y( z7 E/ M8 N: D# g
于1990年成为演员,贾静雯因其光洁的皮肤和毫无皱纹的脸而使远东地区数百万人民惊叹。7 p* C0 W7 r, _! F8 i3 a7 t+ P
7 F9 |! {% p! E  D

5 @$ Z% ?$ ^6 B1 x$ {' e5 dThe Taipei-born celebrity, who is renowned in East and South-east Asia, turned 44 on October 7./ V8 p, X" D( a) I* d8 @; a2 C. F4 c
/ i& C1 k4 H7 g  q: g9 s8 W  A/ A# ^0 p+ L  |3 A. s4 y, ?
; O  O1 F) S; h8 E
Ms Chia's fans have flocked to her social media account to express their admiration for her age-defying looks after the star celebrated her birthday this month.
+ b# c7 x( Z- C这个月贾静雯在庆祝完生日之后在社交媒体上分享了照片,她的粉丝们纷纷留言表达自己对其冻龄美貌的赞赏。
$ m) s" @. U& C1 F1 Z
6 E* p0 k4 }8 w0 Z5 l0 o

9 k5 ]" T  v4 FTo celebrate the occasion with her fans, she shared a picture of her and her family at her birthday party to her 22 million followers on Weibo.8 R. Y3 N) [/ j. z0 N( ]
为了与粉丝们一起庆生,她在微博上与她的2200万名粉丝分享了她和家人一起庆生的照片。5 g" L+ T* k. C! R& O

% C( F. J1 w/ m# |- X

4 v+ r, c9 i, Z! x* d
& b$ f8 D  F% g! G; z

' l  w+ I3 Z- ~1 LIn the post, Ms Chia said 'birthday is a day that all women love and hate', but her eldest daughter cleverly referred to her age as 'twice 22' rather than 44.1 s% J$ A1 R7 D% |* p+ Z4 j
: v, o* c/ v/ N$ U8 `& j" I
6 X3 S7 j8 f: c. r, A

" f1 I& i$ P$ C8 p- F9 b% U( |: w. q5 QOne fan commented on Weibo: 'She's not twice 22. She's twice 18.'& v( V0 H8 s' W) v7 e2 U$ A
* q+ L& y& L6 p8 e5 J: T, R+ e! i, g4 `5 @& G5 F0 `. Y
1 c; }' K+ F8 @6 m7 k% q
Another one said Ms Chia 'still looks so young' and could be mistaken for a 22-year-old.) i& y8 R6 f, }- k+ j
  p) I: |- Q$ a' m9 f9 a4 H# e- Z9 w6 |6 E: ^% B# N) C2 j9 S
0 D' u, A* m0 K. q+ e
In a previous interview, Ms Chia revealed her 'golden rules' of staying youthful.
  o8 F. b3 j# s: q7 O在先前的采访中,贾静雯透露了保持青春的“金科玉律”。
. v8 I9 l# {6 P5 M& A' [9 Y5 M
6 ^2 r7 x2 ]9 u, [0 p0 N
% m* @6 D$ K8 _/ A7 U+ w; c
She confessed that she didn't drink alcohol, eat late-night snacks or stay up late.' W, o' Z$ b$ [  T) w3 ^
0 `1 T2 Q7 C6 }" j+ o( @" A- `
) X) e( ^! U0 ^& p+ i

; x% s; w/ D4 I" U0 V8 v: BShe also said she avoided using her phone two hours prior to her bedtime and tried not to eat deep-fried or spicy food.
. n6 N2 I( @% S( B5 Y她还表示,在睡觉的两小时之前,她会避免使用手机,而且她会尽量不吃油炸食品或辛辣食品。
+ h9 @, h% h3 A" I  k7 t4 t) b
) n) ?& c" a, B1 h" H( j

' U8 R: g* E, Y& F2 cShe also stressed the importance of drinking water and working out regularly - at least twice a week./ h  H/ v) l$ a1 ~
' E8 u6 f! x. _" _  Z
/ G) h1 w; T; S: v2 q
' z: @  n9 P) M- Y
Her mother would also cook nutritious soup and bring it to her filming site when she was busy working, according to her.
& p8 }4 D! i" ^7 k  i2 o# b据她所说,当她忙于工作的时候,她妈妈还会煮滋补汤为她送去片场。
6 z0 d/ j# l/ Z8 @  s( P! M: S7 t/ I2 f6 }/ Q

9 ?1 {* Z; o+ JMs Chia concluded: 'There are many ways to love yourself. Make sure to give yourself time to enjoy a facial or foot massage and let yourself recharge.'/ K  W# q/ X& Q! l6 V8 D
贾静雯总结道:“爱自己的方式有很多种。一定要给自己点时间做一个面部按摩或足部按摩,给自己点时间充充电。”; u- E8 f; J+ M1 R6 p9 `( {

7 Q0 v1 d# l# \; \

" D. q- E4 J1 tFrom: 纽颂学英语官网小马 $ A  D- i. }; X3 e6 g  _
   资料来自China Dailly 图片来源于网络


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