Many people often mention that they are under great pressure. There are voices from different groups of society, such as student groups, professionals, parents... In an era of globalized economy, many countries are facing fierce economic competition.0 U% u) z! b$ ]- e V/ D5 l
. n5 w& b: Z- D( k0 d3 z0 Q
1 L$ j. F: P7 Z+ c0 }
Regarding how to look at his own pressure, Portland Trail Blazers star Damian Lillard has been interviewed recently. He said:
9 B3 H5 w8 o6 S" }1 H: c
8 s/ Q7 X* N- Y E7 _5 v# N"Prevention? No, it's just playing basketball. The pressure should be those who are homeless. They don't know where their next meal is. The pressure should be more than that of single mothers. They have to pay for rent." Struggling. We will make a lot of money in a game, so don't make a mistake, there are some challenges, but if it is called a kind of pressure, it is almost an insult to ordinary people." " e7 z5 ~/ j" E* M- Q8 ~' ?
Friends, what do you think about your stress?
4 _8 a; X c7 ~" y
' |7 z7 v' F+ L1 P, b! W& r$ F5 G: W2 ?9 i& k7 Q* Q4 k# X
英语广播中文翻译如下:# w/ A6 e9 [1 D; N l- a& M6 q* c
0 M$ |2 ?/ B. x# E& b& Z2 D, ?+ i1 r! }2 R h
6 u3 x2 |& _7 s+ U
# I' K$ V& o% H+ s, {7 u# U对于如何看待自己的压力,来自的波特兰开拓者队球星达米安-利拉德近日接受了采访,他表示:
0 E* V J. y, S' R0 K4 c+ e) A
# a' ? P0 J8 u% j9 t“压力?不,这只是打篮球而已。压力更应该是那些无家可归的人,他们不知道自己的下一顿饭在哪里;压力也更应该是那些单亲母亲,为了支付房租而苦苦挣扎。我们打一场比赛就会赚到很多钱,因此别搞错了,确实会有一些挑战,但如果把这叫做是一种压力的话,那对于普通人来说这几乎就是侮辱。”' Y4 E* G% e9 @- u9 ]3 d+ Z
1 u$ B8 {* f* {; x
) Z: P V9 V" S, ~" K! B朋友,你怎么看待自己的压力?
& F+ p6 I* o: D5 z# |2 H* C" ~* ?0 w. Y g8 R$ T
From:new soul |