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发表于 2019-11-12 21:00:36 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
其实,很多考生备战bec中级的时候并没有完全的去了解整个bec英语架构。bec难考吗?如果bec初级备战的话,基本上是不需要做这一操作,但如果是剑桥bec中高级的话,那么就需要从整体去把握学习体系,知道用什么样的资料,哪些内容是需要熟记的,整个考试架构是什么样的等等来帮助自己建立一套完善的bec商务英语中级学习思维,这样才能学好。* g/ K' ]- }  n/ M3 J, P. t
. W, F' C& I4 z+ h5 v



! h! L8 b$ U8 Q& s1 f2 v! T6 g+ c9 R5 V1 ?2 Y
% V! q/ U1 Y2 U2 x" j
bec中级备考的学习过程中会用到哪些基础资料?基本上备考商务英语都会给自己配备一些辅导教材,像《新编剑桥商务英语学生用书(中级)(Pass Cambridge BEC Vantage Student book)(第二版) 、《新编剑桥商务英语(学生用带)(中级)(Pass Cambridge BEC Vantage)(第二版)》、《BEC2阅读指南》、《BEC2写作指南》、《BEC2听说指南(含三盒磁带)》等资料,当然还有一些其他的书籍,关键还是看自己如何备考了,基本上书籍资料的配备是大家备考剑桥bec中级打好基础的第一步。4 R4 R# `6 T; A3 s& h/ B
* U: t+ O' d. e1 s1 y
第二,常备有利于考试的句子: l3 C0 ^: \! R1 X
我们学习bec英语的最终目的是为了顺利通过考试,那么要想顺利通过考试常备一些考试当中会用到的词句可以帮助自己在考试当中减轻辅导,在学习当中有助于自己串联已学过的词句,是大家顺利备战口语和写作的利器。  C: ~' C& S# W! |4 x' A
* L% j) H! Y" q% O; H3 p
* o1 F! H/ ], O( k$ p# K: L" `# u1 ]' S2 ^
1. We should continue to reform and improve the foreign trade management system by sticking to the unified policy, fair competition, integration of industry with trade and promotion of the proxy system./ S  K" l$ ^. q4 L7 S
9 h4 f' z6 H, Z6 S. h! \
2. To transform the traditional export industries and increase the technology content and added value in our exports
3 N( i; {; P  ]2 }3 L" H0 g/ j" b5 c
3. To improve the competitiveness of our products on domestic and overseas markets
3 i# z& V6 U1 x: g5 n, H6 w+ l) c# X7 r
4. To work actively to adjust the mix of exports and increase the proportion of high-tech products
. d; T" ]/ ?/ k2 \7 |! C. b. l4 B! ?" v6 F1 Q! r
5. To implement an automatic registration system of foreign trading rights on a trial basis
9 s- h; E# V* {% }6 d5 b
7 x: o: k3 i# Q0 P$ B/ V2 D6. To develop a full-dimensional export-oriented economy
% O! y4 a4 T+ e/ m: W5 A% S
) _1 Q: x7 Y# \# T( t1 O7. Honoring contract, guaranteeing quality, seeking moderate profit and valuing friendship
8 V$ w' @4 z3 H8 e( c& t7 q# h) q- K" G" u: c
8. the principle of pursuing practical results, adopting various ways and seeking common development on the basis of equality, mutual benefit and efficiency
7 f7 v% m; d* [, K1 G
% N& }  R6 B' o% x# W) P8 S2 `9.To establish and perfect the foreign economic and trade regime consistent with the international prevailing rules and actual situation in China
( Q0 U4 Y) M: q' z  P
8 q4 m- g% u- Y/ E; R' e4 z( `2.写作常用的观点句型
1 x* z: h2 q( Q; m& p' z- B9 ?$ d6 q: E: _  Z2 a) _
1.Perhaps it is time to reexamine the idea that…9 u, W: I, a) W- s; A! ^

/ T  p7 l/ ~% ^0 ~1 W2.A growing number of people are beginning to realize that…is not the sole prerequisite for happiness
0 w, l  r- T) c" ^3 k2 P
/ A+ X; s6 m" F4 t3.It is widely acknowledged that…contributed to…Experts argue that China must introduce…But I doubt whether…alone will solve the problem。" Y* E1 I9 T3 Q, h2 q
& a3 O  |8 D, u& z$ H7 {5 r9 }
4.An increasing number of people are joining…In reaction to the phenomenon,some say…But do they realize that…can also lead to…' _1 W, H* `0 G/ e0 G. U
3 v/ u- p6 a! u4 I. C
5.One of the pressing problem facing our nation(China)today is…and…4 J$ J  o) ~& M0 J

$ S+ H. X2 j# n6.When asked about…,most people say…But many other people regard…as…I personally think…  t% X1 n* l/ H7 N; m' X2 }

/ b6 g3 s+ ^: t% F+ M6 q7.When it comes to…,some people think that…Others argue that the opposite is true.There is probably some truth to both arguments,but…
9 |) h6 X% ]9 e4 x  l$ j% \4 O  O0 W& d5 X7 W
8.Perhaps the most dangerous phenomenon gripping the nation today is…
  G# @0 ^( J9 [3 B: i! B/ P/ U7 I, D& u! }0 `
9.Never before in history has the issue of…been more evident than now。$ X9 q4 A# J& n) k: s- u

) k5 L" i( {3 ]! b+ p7 v& t10.Years of observing human behavior has enabled me to conclude that the major difference between…and…lies solely with…对' }$ Y- y* B# Q) e( H3 c0 k4 v* o& I
5 Q& s9 l- K* ?; m# z
7 P' D# M) J* Y: f  A
# |* g/ Q; J4 ]9 L5 l& Y3 J0 U6 S" A, }8 W, S
( E% u, F) F, M7 d8 `# f* a5 r
4 ~0 X4 Y% m. L( l. g# G3 k) V8 Z0 w5 V# L
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