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发布者: newsoul | 发布时间: 2019-7-7 23:33| 评论数: 0|帖子模式

This year ushered in the hottest summer in 500 years. In the past 500 years, the five hottest summers in Europe have occurred in the past 15 years.5 V6 X/ w( W1 u2 l8 }
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According to the reports, the European region is experiencing high temperatures, with up to 45 degrees in both Spain and France, and Germany reaching 38 degrees. India has a high temperature of 51 degrees. However, since the Nordic region rarely exceeds 30 degrees in history, many residents do not have air conditioning installed. Less than 2% in Germany and less than 5% in France have air conditioning, which makes the lives of local residents very tormented.
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" T$ S8 K) s% p+ J3 d
英文广播中文翻译如下:6 q9 n* P, o; [4 D8 B

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. U: P% r) A8 ]: z
今年迎来了500年来最热的夏天。过去500年来,欧洲最热的五个夏天都发生在过去15年。* w, z( c* m& o5 w8 N; |9 `, {
# q7 b9 R, T/ C8 i. v7 C
) y" S$ V: w0 h; X+ h8 f. y$ k& J, o9 M- p) b% z! E2 ^/ e: _
7 S+ J9 i0 b2 x8 c* ?7 k# ?; i+ U
From:new soul


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