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发布者: bbb | 发布时间: 2018-11-3 22:59| 评论数: 2|帖子模式

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+ \: D% g$ \* l# G7 q" H: d$ ]
" W" X0 E: Q9 G% z7 l# y' H1 E

' \% M/ q, o: o《权力的游戏》第七季经典剧情英语对白学习:* [; |" `; L5 S
9 c7 [9 R) j$ q/ c3 Z: [$ s
" m! ~2 V& A1 H
Episode One, "Dragonstone"" z5 K2 W2 ?2 l; E7 B( Z; C
* G7 _3 F- n- ]" x' W- ?/ O9 U3 d9 x& N/ N
# Z1 @8 z9 m- e9 k( x
Dany (Emilia Clarke) arrives home in the first episode of Season 7 of "Game of Thrones".
- x. @3 }  A9 m; Z, @在《权游》第七季第一集中,龙母(艾米莉亚•克拉克饰)回到故乡。* R2 Z5 A, E6 a' w: F" N: D6 v( @

9 p( ~% _( r$ v" |9 @

1 V( L0 R7 u' B/ CThe description for the episode reveals that "Jon (Kit Harington) organizes the defense of the North; Cersei (Lena Headey) tries to even the odds; and Daenerys comes home."& Y+ y2 B$ Y# D5 ~1 e" d
; L  L# [- ^# ^2 X2 E! d$ \3 H- I
4 l' E8 A( R# W" A/ H! C
- t* U( z& x9 g7 T
As for Cersei, now that she is the Queen sitting on the Iron Throne, she likely won't allow anyone to try and take that power from her, and while she did manage to get rid of most of her enemies in one fell swoop by unleashing wildfire on the Sept of Baelor, she still has others who will likely try and take her down. Now that her children are also all dead though, she will have nothing to lose and be more ruthless than ever, meaning the rest of her remaining enemies could find themselves dead before the episode ends.
( S5 [* K8 w% d; }0 U% L对瑟后而言,她既然已经是坐在宝座上的女王,就不会允许任何人试图夺走她的权力。尽管她用野火烧了贝勒大圣堂,一下子清除了大部分敌人,但还有其他人可能要将她拉下台。现在,她的孩子们都死了,无所牵挂的她将变得更加无情。这意味着瑟后其他的敌人可能会在这一集里“领便当”。: W3 ]% Q" d% z$ W
+ ?1 B5 Y% f/ l* H
8 u1 x& c9 r1 Z  E0 W( h
Finally, after six years of waiting for Dany to finally get out of Slaver's Bay and make her march towards Westeros to reclaim her birthright, we saw her doing just that. With a fleet that is backed by House Tyrell of Highgarden, House Martell of Dorne, and some of House Greyjoy of the Iron Islands, she finally has enough to do what initially set out to. And though she was only sailing home before, she will finally arrive, and since the episode is titled "Dragonstone", it's a safe bet that the spot formerly occupied by her family will be the one she lands on.* D4 p1 K0 M$ |
7 s( ?& v, h3 u
: J4 z% z2 P# ^' F0 o8 t3 m" ^
! ]: V* W8 E- R, o  |; I
Episode Two, "Stormborn"
( w0 X5 H& [, _9 U- |第二集《风暴降生》
4 ^' f$ V! r; \3 y- ^
) K9 J9 J/ D3 l$ u* f$ A
& _( {' e6 v& v# N
Description: "Daenerys receives an unexpected visitor. Jon faces a revolt. Tyrion (Peter Dinklage) plans the conquest of Westeros.": c+ d4 n, Q9 c" {7 h; \
剧情简介:“龙妈迎来意外访客,雪诺面临一场反抗,而小恶魔(彼特•丁拉基饰)计划着征服维斯特洛大陆。”3 G6 e* B+ O1 J3 W. Z. h* R8 z

2 @* ~( K, t  m% i) R" a8 gEpisode two will likely see the reaction as news of Dany's arrival begins to spread through Westeros, and the news she is there will likely be something that makes Cersei wary. The other part of Maggy The Frog's prophecy back in Season 5 after she was warned that her children would all die was that she "would be queen for a while, but then comes another, younger, and more beautiful, to cast you down and take all you hold dear." If she learns of Dany's arrival, or that Tyrion is with her, it could bring some new tensions in King's Landing./ y0 r( E. {4 h  P. U$ c* ^0 P4 w
/ h1 ]" U6 \& e! }2 i  R$ }4 \' J5 k2 @

/ d3 b- _7 m$ c$ L" c

6 k, b2 r9 A2 A. @0 A6 \下面再重温一下这最经典的几句英语对白吧。  f" a0 o" h8 [; R

/ I1 _! e! l3 y

; S, B9 B/ Q. |2 [% ~9 _9 R1. "The powerful have always preyed on the powerless. That's how they became powerful in the first place.": O. Q! ~; P3 Z( U' X5 p$ T: B8 P
- Tyrion Lannister, season five, ep+isode one: a3 j7 [- r( e# O
! J& \, [5 Q1 x+ D——“小恶魔”提利昂•兰尼斯特,第五季,第一集
% m* L& z) s3 T; q  W% a! l* u% U5 }( z; c' s

- p& a$ o9 o* Z4 p  F9 q2. "If you ever call me 'sister' again, I'll have you strangled in your sleep."
. R; b3 p/ w/ Q+ Z' l% Z- Cersei Lannister to Margaery Tyrell, season three, episode eight  ~; i; p0 o/ X+ a: t) r
“再跟我说什么姐妹,我就让你在睡梦里被勒死。”* a; o5 m7 k/ s4 o
5 I* q8 u! m7 p  p
) a  n+ G9 ^! t" K

4 W$ O! E8 u$ G+ _3. "Stick 'em with the pointy end.". x) _5 }, o* S6 [% `! @1 G0 _6 t
- Jon Snow to Arya Stark, on swordplay, season one, episode two) h" V9 i! Z' O) w8 [. S- `
) J" M) |6 L! z) A4 s: F' j——练习剑术时雪诺•雪诺对艾莉亚•史塔克所说,第一季,第二集( n# z. z8 b( b9 l8 ^
0 c; I1 x' R# m, F9 @+ M

% G) N  Q2 T! J( |4 O4. "Let me give you some advice, bastard. Never forget what you are. The rest of the world will not. Wear it like armor, and it can never be used to hurt you."5 e% j( _  G# i7 l* i
- Tyrion Lannister to Jon Snow, season one, episode one
$ h1 ?) R" ?% o8 A “那么私生子小弟,让我给你一点建议吧,永远不要忘记自己的身份,因为这个世界不会忘记,用它来武装自己就没有人可以用它来伤害你。”; z. V7 h3 f, H& `. Q
, M, q0 _2 ]" d0 W# |. h. l2 k0 q" @( t2 m4 ^8 a
  b+ j3 B' T% p$ \% d5 D9 F
5. "That's what I do. I drink and I know things.": e: s( m$ k' v
- Tyrion Lannister, season six, episode two
4 W# b% }) }. [0 [2 t# h, K" s9 B “这就是我。我爱喝酒,我无所不知。”
# i/ z' {. h/ N% B' [——“小恶魔”提利昂•兰尼斯特,第六季,第二集2 X5 L8 Z$ B+ T1 L9 x' @

$ Z# V2 Q3 `& d* x
7 g8 i5 g* j" `8 t. L& \( A9 W
6. "A lion doesn't concern himself with the opinions of a sheep."; {1 a# x8 p& A4 Z  A9 F# e
- Tywin Lannister, season one, episode seven3 |% \1 ~. f4 c0 Z) B% J
' v3 v9 ?6 H6 o6 P; q4 p——泰温•兰尼斯特,第一季,第七集& G. S; Y1 e0 y  H
7 \( m! |  y, {( P' B
8 q* Y# E- A: f+ t0 h+ i8 B* dFrom:纽颂学英语


bbb 发表于 2018-11-10 23:48:32
bbb 发表于 2018-11-10 23:47
" H. [$ U8 y# j7 g' z, a是的呢,小马欢迎大家踊跃参与!

5 g  x. N+ w8 y3 O以阿里爸爸的名义
bbb 发表于 2018-11-10 23:47:40
游客 112.96.179.x 发表于 2018-11-4 22:36
6 l6 o% I" N4 d/ G; l: G  I原来游客可以回复了,,
% |+ C6 s9 W& s7 a8 m% E7 O0 q1 U9 M
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