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发布者: newsoul | 发布时间: 2018-10-24 21:43| 评论数: 0|帖子模式

Swedish Girl sit-ins for Environmental issues

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From 21 October 2018

9 _# R! C; q2 z" P/ W& U) iHello, my name is Greta, I'm 15 years old, and I'm school-striking for the climate outside the Swedish parliament. I am protesting about the climate crisis because it's such an important issue, and no one is doing anything, nothing is happening, so I must do what I can. Everyone says that Sweden is a role model, but we're not a role model. What I hope to achieve with this protest is attention in the media, so that the media will write about the climate crisis.
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" `& ^8 n5 a6 X& \* X: ASo that people will somehow open their eyes, see the crisis and treat it like a crisis and do something about it. My parents, of course they think that I should go to school...but they understand why I'm doing it and they can't stop me. People on social media tell me to keep up the good work and keep fighting. But of course there are some negative comments as well, but not as many. I'm in trouble with the police because first we were sitting outside the parliament on Riksgatan and you're not allowed to perform a demonstration or an opinion there. So we moved here, we have permission to sit here. But now there has been a complaint because of me demonstrating.


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