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发布者: newsoul | 发布时间: 2018-10-25 20:54| 评论数: 1|帖子模式

BEIJING, Oct. 24 (Xinhua) :
: F! m  M2 }% q% d& Y
: H5 ]/ p# j: {% u6 u! D# k: ZChinese Premier Li Keqiang on Wednesday called for more efforts to overcome headwinds, maintain stable performance of the economy and push for high-quality development.
; O4 e: D# H& j5 n: h1 M; o4 L  ^' W0 ~% O# u8 h7 V6 s



7 H4 C$ w) R# W+ C, Z- r

2 d# T) p: M9 }) f"China has deepened its reform and opening-up and actively responded to challenges this year, keeping the economy within a reasonable range," Li said at the 17th national congress of the All-China Federation of Trade Unions.
8 v, ~: ]8 A3 c! H! _
+ {! I0 Q* y) }

! N3 Z5 |" m5 c1 GIn the first three quarters, the economy continued to grow at a pace leading the world's major economies., d' n, H! _3 S+ f# F; b

' c, R$ `+ O% g6 S
  h; m* x2 e4 U+ c; T% ^; N
Li cited creation of 11.07 million jobs, growth in power use and freight volume, bigger roles of services and consumption, emerging new technologies and industries, and continued market vitality, with 18,000 firms registered each day.7 ]  R, \% s. I' q

* D, y  n! t0 r7 W, _

  U! s1 q9 ]( T% \# v- O"Despite complicated circumstances home and abroad, China achieved stable employment, income growth, and inflation, and the economic structure continued to improve," Li said. "We can accomplish the goals of economic and social development for this year and lay the foundation for next year's development."
7 B1 k. n6 t, S  X8 \4 ]
, u$ T5 w. s, ^: w' F

4 l6 O2 T& C) O- W: P8 l8 H- JHowever, Li acknowledged increasing challenges and risks, saying that many companies were facing difficulties and market confidence had been affected under rising downward pressures.
$ N- {/ k9 v/ v$ ]$ b
9 m% d' r  r4 T7 m& B  A) k
% [+ v7 g- a# o! w- O, y
"We should see that China's development boasts relatively strong resilience and big wiggle room, and in the meantime pay high attention to difficulties and challenges," Li said.; q) ?) N7 d' X7 h

0 f( ?) n* T! }" K6 S1 A$ W) z

' Y9 w& S+ E- pLi promised that China would push for reform and opening-up, and innovation-driven development, rather than resort to massive stimulus.+ r! \4 ]! N% b4 [  A/ L
: x! R3 V. B4 P: z8 }: s

) P* w" \7 C7 l"Efforts will be made to better the business environment, including measures that cut red tape and reduce taxes to stimulate the market," Li said. "The potential of domestic demand will be further unleashed, and targeted policies will be rolled out to tackle problems that plague the real economy."- }9 a9 ?3 z1 H, F
) K: p* w, \& r+ h

* g2 y- n9 j$ q' q5 K# _* yHe said China will ensure the economy performs in a reasonable range and promote high-quality development.+ p' n  H5 r! l1 E  k/ s
* n$ P4 y2 u5 _2 Y2 ^# J# A) _
6 c1 q) J3 Q' Q, O
China has the world's largest human resource pool, which generates huge potential and advantages.
8 o1 r& Y" P8 A* ]8 q
3 _& y, v  w' i& l1 f

6 F: O4 x/ u2 ~% V8 y* X$ Q"Improving education has bettered worker's quality and expanded the workforce of skilled worker," Li said, stressing that all hardships could be overcome if workers' incentives and innovations are mobilized.
1 f8 Z( W# ~  ~! B  w4 U# S' h) S  }5 }/ b% U5 N& Z
6 a7 L( N& ]3 o" X. A* n
He said efforts should be made to protect workers' rights and interests in the process of development.
; [7 M0 r( j* Y- d
5 j' Z1 v& Y) m+ N4 j2 g: p

% R7 v% C# s* w/ R5 H"Maintaining stable employment should be the priority of macro-policy, especially for key group of employees and financially-strapped employees," he said. "Workers' income should be raised. The social safety net should be strengthened. Rights of female employees should be protected. Work safety should be ensured."
! s: n) Z2 V6 r) z5 _! H- r6 v# v
2 b* g" t9 d7 T; b3 e0 s6 {


newsoul 发表于 2019-3-23 17:46:09
0 u; `' M6 M  T, h8 @5 J0 n2 z1 S- F3 S) l" d" [& \. G! ^' S. `6 N
新华社北京10月24日电:4 g* w* h& {2 a9 C/ K7 L! J: Z
+ |0 M; B2 X: X/ c7 A
中国国务院总理李克强周三呼吁加大力度,克服逆风,保持经济稳定运行,推动高质量发展。; K% t- Z9 c- Y% Z
* ^$ s, F7 }; D5 |  b, e: ~* a
* g  K3 V5 C9 T8 T1 S/ ?4 P  t, S# O$ g: [2 |8 V* }  I4 z
在前三个季度,经济继续以领先世界主要经济体的速度增长。, m* P+ K+ o- M- n/ i& I- k
( Y; F# \2 X6 ?  P+ z
李瑞环说,中国创造了1107万个就业岗位,电力和货运量的增长,服务和消费的更大作用,新兴的新技术和新产业,以及持续的市场活力,每天有1.8万家公司注册。" G! h, p4 Q! X' l
  `# Z4 l% G' x. V/ \( M8 c* b7 Z) ^
李说:“尽管国内外形势复杂,但中国实现了稳定的就业、收入增长和通货膨胀,经济结构继续改善。”我们可以实现今年的经济和社会发展目标,为明年的发展奠定基础。+ b& i/ v+ r% h2 H& U2 g3 f7 O
6 u0 ?1 ^' T8 B4 }( V4 x1 c
然而,李承认越来越多的挑战和风险,称许多公司正面临困难,市场信心在不断上升的下行压力下受到影响。( Y" _# ?. x, `  o1 g

7 w' Z/ A3 N9 ~3 k5 _% Q% i我们应该看到,中国的发展具有较强的弹性和较大的回旋余地,同时高度重视困难和挑战。
) P# V4 b$ G, j" z
. Y' Y# n# q. O/ U! ]李承诺,中国将推动改革开放和创新驱动的发展,而不是采取大规模的刺激措施。
( }7 a5 @& j' |# n9 M
, w5 s( \) Z( I; y& }9 j李说:“我们将努力改善商业环境,包括减少繁文缛节和减税措施,以刺激市场。”
% c% G$ h* o3 g$ a7 M) E& k" m' Q" T- \6 J9 M
“国内需求的潜力将得到进一步释放,并将推出有针对性的政策,以解决困扰实体经济的问题。”他说,中国将确保经济运行在合理的范围内,促进高质量的发展。6 H3 l" a& P0 i6 j& y/ M& S
; d0 P' X* c! I! {8 C$ o- ~
中国拥有世界上最大的人力资源库,创造了巨大的潜力和优势。5 M  B4 j) P9 i1 ~" j) R; L# m* [) W! a

, ]) W/ _- e6 d- k2 Y: v2 q李瑞环说:“提高教育水平,提高了工人素质,扩大了技术工人队伍。”他强调,只要调动工人的积极性和创新精神,一切困难都可以克服。8 k9 y( o4 j) C( ]' @. x' T- x5 w

; y) l2 y; ~- d* ?- V他说,在发展过程中,要努力保护劳动者的权益。6 F8 ], u! J: I" e
2 |6 X/ a+ p: c# u
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